Sunday, April 23, 2017

Abolish Boarding School

Have you read the news about a boy in Johor had both of his leg amputated due to a beating he received at a so-called religious school?

Ok if you haven't, you can read them here, here, here and here.

Please forgive me because I'm about to go all Malay bitching mode.

Tak tahulah nak rasa marah ke nak rasa kesian. Dah banyak kali dah benda macam ni berlaku, dan mesti sekolah-sekolah agama ni yang terlibat. Kes budak kena sexual abuse dengan sekolah Kazim Elias tu pun in the end senyap macam tu je. Sebab apa, sebab orang memang nak mempertahankan institusi 'madrasah/sekolah agama' ni. Last-last, cengkerik je yang berbunyi sebab orang buat bodoh je dengan establishment tu.

Rasanya bila budak-budak dah cacat kekal dah mati baru nak sedar kot betapa bodohnya sistem-sistem sekolah macam tu, termasuklah sistem sekolah asrama. Sepatutnya anak-anak tu korang yang jaga, bukan main hantar pergi sekolah asrama biar orang lain berkuasa ke atas anak kamu sendiri. Anak-anak pulak membesar tanpa kasih sayang parents, sebab ye lah dah berjauhan dari family pastu orang lain yang akan banyak mempengaruhi anak-anak tu.

Jadilah anak tu lebih rosak daripada yang korang nak. Rosak segala macam - fizikal (macam kes atas tu), mental dan emotional. Aku cakap ni sebab aku sendiri produk sekolah asrama, memang aku benci mati-matian sekolah asrama. Aku sendiri rasa kesan negatif sistem sekolah asrama ni. It has fucked up my life.

Kalau ada isu pasal agama, pasal sekolah asrama, pasal sekolah asrama agama, memang triple ah aku flip table. Marah hati memang takde siapa lah yang boleh tenangkan.

Tapi tulah, nak salahkan siapa? Nak salahkan family? Nak salahkan society? Nak salahkan sekolah atau sistem pendidikan yang bodoh tu? Atau nak salahkan diri sendiri/si pelajar sebab tak matang (which btw memang lah diorang ni tak matang, underage kot, ada sebabnya kena ada kawalan dan guidance PARENTS)?

Fucked up ah semua benda ni, memang fucked up. Haisy, aku geram sampai dah hilang point2 yang aku nak tulis. Dasar bodohnye lah manusia yang duk menghantar anak2 gi sekolah agama asrama ni, rasa macam bodohnye lah kau.

Kau nak anak jadi independent, kau ajar dia macam mana nak independent kat rumah. Kau nak anak jadi tahfiz ke jadi alim ke jadi warak sujud sampai tak bangun-bangun ke kau boleh didik anak kau tanpa hantar dia jauh-jauh dari kau. Kau nak anak kau cemerlang exam cemerlang 20 ribu A pun kau boleh tolong anak kau dekat rumah. Tapi kalau kau nak anak kau fucked up, kau nak anak kau kena rogol kena abuse, kau nak anak kau cacat atau mati, kau hantar lah diorang jauh-jauh. Sebab senang kan, kau boleh salahkan orang lain pulak lepas tu.

Sekolah pun sama, dah tahu itu anak orang, sesuka hati kau je kau nak buat macam-macam kat budak-budak. Takde kemanusiaan ke kau ni? Kau duk preach sana sini manusia lebih baik dari binatang, tapi kau tak sedar yang kau tu lebih teruk dari bangkai binatang, dasar hati kau tu dah busuk kau buat budak-budak macam tempat kau lepaskan nafsu, buat macam punching bag sebab kau rasa kau berkuasa. Lepas tu, cover pakai alasan agama. Aku harap dengan Tuhan yang kau sembah tu, biar Dia letak kau dalam jamban Neraka sebab kau memang dasar hina buat budak-budak macam bukan manusia.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Where Was I?

Hi all,

Yeah sorry again for not being here as I've promised. The usual reasons really - job sucked, quit again, unemployed and depressed, got a new job and now ready to take on the world.

Life is such a journey, and boy that journey sure as hell is a fucking wild ride.

So yeah, not really wanting to go into details, but here I am again back for business or whatever I was doing here. I didn't even read what I wrote previously, so I might as well just carry on like nothing happened and just do whatever I want now.

But last year was a bitch, like it was really messy and just...fucked up. I blame the global issues that was happening in 2016, it created the negative aura that affected me. Haha, what an excuse. In all honesty though, 2016 was really not fun at all on every level - personal and global. It was such a turning point that we enter 2017 with some kind of vertigo, not knowing what's more coming - good or bad.

But if you ask me, I think both bad and good things will happen. Donald fucking Trump is the POTUS, what even is he good at to bring anyway? But then again, because of that, civil and liberal movement should by right feel more pumped to fight for justice and equality, and I think that's a good thing. Not trying to be an orientalist, but whatever happened in the so-called West seriously affect a lot of things here in Malaysia. The liberal movement and social activists here are almost always inspired and influenced by the ones in the West. Like you have people talking about cultural appropriation and representation in such a weird context that sometimes it's hard for you to believe if they actually understand the local social context and instead copy pasting the narrative and discussion from abroad to be used here. No honey, that's not how we do it. We take on issues and analyse it against our local backdrop. But universal values should stand - justice, human rights, and equality for all.

But as usual I'm blabbering. I mean, I don't even makes sense, so yeah. But do expect more of these topics in my blog, cause that's what I usually talk about anyway nowadays. I also have changed from being religious and apologetic about religion to somewhat of a free-lifestyler...probably nearing to be an agnostic, but I don't entertain anything about faith nowadays. So I don't really care what I am now, I don't even know. What I care is shutting down homophobes, racist and sexist pricks, and hypocrites who usually use religion, faith and so-called moral values for their stupid nonsensical hatred and discrimination.

I'll start something proper in a couple of days, haha, hopefully this time I stay to my words. Since I'm more stable with my life situation, I think I should be good to promise this. At least I have something to do and look forward to, or I would end up looking for some random hook-ups instead. HAHA!

And yes, I still do very much like sex. Thank you.