Wednesday, May 20, 2015

LGBT-Friendly Game

Hi semua, yes I was away for quite a while, being a bit busy dengan uni for the past couple of weeks (well months to be honest but it's uni, what do we expect kan haha).

Anyhow, just thought of posting something. I just want to share a couple of games that I play when I'm taking some breaks from doing my uni work.

One quick thing though, I'm not a gamer. You know macam budak-budak laki yang selalu main DOTA, LOL and all that sort of things. I'm just a regular nerd that happens to want to kill some times, so I checked on some games on iPad that might be worth spending some of my break times on.

So yeah, of course la kan, bila nak main game pun haruss nak cari yang ada elemen-elemen LGBT kannn. PLU sejati katanya you all...haha!

I found a couple actually but the ones I have now that I can recommend are these two:

1. Hollywood U

Game ni developed by Pixelberry, in which their first game was High School Story and I played that one too masa summer last year and I really enjoyed it. The game was heartwarming, full of positive messages and you really feel like wanting to be nice all the time like the characters in the game - full of hope, optimism and just inspire people around you. But I stopped playing that sebab masa tu I was starting my uni again and taknak any distractions - sebab main masa cuti kan so it was quite addictive. Then a couple weeks ago rasa macam bosan je, so ambil iPad and searched the game.

Now I have one thing about playing the same game, in which I don't like doing it. Macam baca buku, I can't read a book I already read. Entahlah I just can't. Sama macam movie unless movie tu super best I don't mind watching it again. Then masa tu realised they have another game, Hollywood U ni. So apa lagi download yang ni dan main.

It's basically a simulation game where you will be enrolling in Hollywood University and are starting a journey to become either a director, movie star or fashionista. You choose your type and along the way you'll meet other types macam agent, reality tv, model, make up artist, stunt man etc. So cam best la (in my opinion). I know it's quite childish haha tapi the LGBT-friendly theme that I put this under is because you can choose your gender and the one you want to date can be of the same gender tu. I think dia memang develop the game to be open and progressive. High School Story was the same, but not so apparent. I think sebab Hollywood U was released later maybe some feedbacks of wanting that diversity really change the second game they have.

So yeah, right now I'm dating Chris haha, a movie star okayy. Tengah flirting and dating kat Las Vegas you all, haa mampoo tak berangan nih! Hollywood lagi tuh you all! Harussss divine okayhh!

And it's free so if you wanna try it out I really recommend it, not only for it's minor LGBT element that exist but also for the general game itself. It's not really addictive sebab quest dia using time sometimes 8 hours so it's good for like short breaks around 5 minutes from work.

2. Long Story

So this one is a bit more apparent in the direction of their development. Memang a game to incorporate LGBT storyline into the game. It's basically a game about a high schooler that about to start his or her new school and all the school drama etc. You can even refer yourself as 'they' apparently masa pilih character. Dia macam cerita la so the story develops by the choices you made. It's like reading a visual book. As of now they only have 2 episodes, at which the second one is not for free, so you have to buy that. I'm not really keen to spend money on game but hey support LGBT diversity katanya haha lagipun tak lah mahal sangat so I guess why not. Main game ni dalam 10 - 20 minit dah habis dah but it's fun to explore. So yeah do have it a go and see if you like it or not. Visual dia pun cantik. My only comment is that lelaki yang available untuk date macam tak lah hot sangat but boleh je lah I all imaginasi katanya, haha! Bukan real pun lol. And these are all not the typical 'if you have gay that means sex etc etc and the usual imagery of gays being all ripped and buffed'.


I know this post is quite childish in nature, game kat iPad kot haha. But considering iOS games are like generally family friendly and having some of them that incorporate this sexual orientation diversity macam haruss la kena main as well kan.

Some other games that I'm currently playing on my iPad are DomiNations and Forge of Empire. I like these two sebab they are civilisation-based-moving-through history-ish kinda game and I'm studying history so yeah, kinda like my thing. And the graphics are good too, the same for the two games above, graphic wise they are really good.

So if you have a smartphone, tablet or anything give it a go lah and see if you like it. As I said I'm not a gamer so I don't really know much about how LGBT-oriented theme is apparent in the gaming world. I've read somewhere that it's still far from being included. Macam movie dan drama lah, you only see LGBT characters in mainstream Hollywood movie and drama series dalam 20-30 years ago (this has a history on its own and a proper academic commentary can be made). And what I described  here pun are like iPad game at which hardcore gamer might not even consider them as games haha (housemates I all gamers and he's like "huh my game iPad je", and I'm like " least aku boleh main game ni masa berak kau boleh ke bawak komputer tu masuk tandas..?" BAM!).

So yeap, if you give it a try then share how it goes. I enjoyed it for other reasons too tapi cam post ni dah panjang, just nak buat a comeback haha.

Until then, enjoy the game :)

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