Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Job & Flat Hunt

I suppose an update would be nice.

So I'm still on a job hunt, and it doesn't seems to be going well as I had imagined. The everyday reality is surely getting harder. There are too many things to consider, too many decisions to be made. Giving up seems to be a convenient option, but it's only a feeling in passing. I'm still hopeful as ever, so that should be okay.

With that being said however, I've been doing some part-time jobs. I'm working as a waiter and kitchen staff for a hotel restaurant, and I take up event staff role as well. These are all one-off temporary jobs but since the caterer have many events to serve, they would usually call me for the next days. So I've been busy working morning to night serving people, washing dishes, preparing food, setting up event's venues and what not.

It's very labour intensive, something I'm not entirely used to being an academician primarily. But I enjoy it very much. Apart from giving me some extra cash, it's a good place to gain a different sort of experience, something I noticed a lot of companies are looking for. So I suppose it helps me to build my CV and my proper job hunt. In all honesty, I might as well said I'm working full time since I have to be on shift from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm some days, and almost on work 6 days a week. They pay me per hour so the more I do, the more I get.

Last week was full with events. It was extremely exhausting, but rewarding at the same time. The events are mostly for VVIPs, like ministers, ambassadors and CEOs. I served three ministers last week, and served the prime minister yesterday. It's interesting to see the kind of people coming to these events and how they were expected to be served. We did a buffet-type catering last week and naturally with buffet, queue would be formed as people swarmed at the food at once. It wasn't really a long queue to be honest but there were grunts coming from these VIP guests. I suppose they're expecting to be served rather than self-serving, and waiting is not a thing they're used to. So we changed it to a more traditional waitering style for yesterday's event, that means more work for us. Like I said though, it's a different sort of thing for me too. Eavesdropping to their conversations was entertaining as well.

Apart from those, I'm also on a flat hunt. It comes with it's own hassle. So I'm planning to drop by at a letting agent office today just to see if there's any property available. Luckily I'm not being called to work today so I have some free time to spend. Finding a cheap place to stay isn't easy but I can't afford to stay at my old place anymore. We'll see how it goes, as usual, I'm hopeful as ever.

Until then, wish me luck and happy Eid.


  1. If it's really hard for U there .. come here to my place ..
    We can share my room together .. FOC until U get a proper job .. kehkeh

    1. Haha is that a genuine offer? Because I would definitely take it if it is. But I often have 'special date', so sharing room is a bit hard to have you-know-what... hehehe

    2. We as Malaysians abroad are like family .. kannn. Don't worry, I will keep U busy ..always ..kehkeh


Be nice :)