Sunday, June 28, 2015

Another Malay-Partnered Guy

So last night I met another guy. (Ok I did warned you before that I am quite promiscuous, but the safe kind of course, not some addicts)

Let call him Jason for the sake of this post okay. He's white, around 40 years of age and owns a company.

I'll cut the story short, Jason is also in a relationship with a Malay guy. Again that piece of information was only dropped to me when we met, unsurprisingly.

What ran through my head was "What am I? A magnet for people to use when they get bored with their Malay boyfriend?"

It wasn't a good feeling I must say, but then again I travelled a bit to meet this person and had the trouble on getting the train to his place. So I had no choice but to continue our meeting as planned.

It turns out that they were together for 2 years, and his boyfriend is also a student, just finishing his degree. At this time of the year, the exam result just come out, so too for his boyfriend. 

Jason was actually thinking to call our meeting off because his boyfriend unfortunately didn't manage to get the grade he wanted. So Jason thought of going to see his boyfriend instead to comfort him. But being a student myself, I understand that feeling when you don't get the result you wanted and what you need is just a bit of some times alone, so Jason let his boyfriend to have that space.

I wasn't feeling very excited once I know he's still in a relationship, as we were sneaking around behind his boyfriend's back. Jason did mention though that they might ending it since his boyfriend is going back to Malaysia for good as he had finished his studies. So it's fair for him to see me.

Perhaps I should make it clear to anyone I'm seeing that I prefer single guy. But truth to be told, I don't expect partnered guys, or even married guys to go around looking at other single guys. I mean you already have your soulmate so to speak, us single guys want to find ours as well.

The day turned out well nonetheless, we chatted some more, and I got a hint of who his boyfriend is. I mean I pretty much know all the Malay students in my locality so it's not hard to pinpoint who. But I told him to not reveal it to me as I really don't like to intervene into other people's life and matter. For me, gossip is just bad...a disease really, and I'm trying to stay away from that kind of temptation as far as possible.

We then had some fun, I won't go into detail on that part of course. It's still Ramadhan so all is clean here haha. He reminded me afterwards that his boyfriend is coming to stay with him for 2 weeks and so it's best if I don't try to reach him to avoid any awkward situations. That's why people, when you're with a person who's in relationship...things are just complicated.

I don't think I would be seeing this person anymore, I might but I don't know. I'm good to hang out, going to the clubs as friends, but to go through the trouble of traveling again to his place might not be in my to-do-list anymore.

All these things really just give me the experience of getting to know guys. People can argue against that, but I've met so many different kind of people and so many experiences with guys that as of now, I kinda want to stay single. Again looking at these people having affair behind their partner's back doesn't really give me the hope for what I wanted. Then again, it might not be the best of me to generalise, people are different.

Do I want a relationship? Of course I do! 

Do I want a monogamous one? That's the hard bit I begin to question.


  1. Boleh tahan buas jugak u nie .. kehkeh

    1. Haha, begitulah gamaknya, nak buat macam mana kan rasa best lol boleh ke camtu. Jangan ingat kite ni murahan la k you all, nampak la camtu tapi kita ada la jugak standard2 haha.


Be nice :)