Thursday, July 2, 2015

Straight Guys Goes Gay?

Is there anything more ironic than claiming oneself to be straight yet messing around with other dudes?

Perhaps that's what the 'straight acting' term refers to when guys use it in their profiles.

But I mean really? If you're 'straight' then surely you wouldn't doing something remotely intimate with other guys right? If the term for straight can be used to encompass 'being able to have sex with guys without being labelled oneself as straight', then it seems being labelled as 'gay' is something seemingly derogatory. I mean if you're straight, and you also like gay fun, then you would be bisexual. There is a term for that kind of people you know.

But I guess people can define themselves in whatever way they wish. If they want to identify as straight, then by all mean do so.

Though I personally believe that rather than using the term 'straight acting', 'masculine' would be a better fit for such personality. 'Straight acting' is just a tad homophobic in my opinion. I mean the term itself is quite assumptious. It sorts of assume all 'straight' guy to act in certain way and 'gay' in certain way, therefore the use of 'straight' as an adjective to a kind of behaviour is quite stereotypical.

It's like:
Straight = Masculine
Gay = Feminine

Someone who like guys but masculine, thus 'straight acting'. But what about someone who is straight but feminine, then would they be called 'gay acting'? Absurd isn't it? My point exactly.

Right so that wasn't really my intention for this post though it's a good thing to think about really.

Yet again this post is about my encounter with guys, and this time with guys who claim themselves as 'straight'.

Though truth to be told, they are straight, like straight straight than just masculine, despite what I said above.

This was last couple of days, one was an Arab guy, the other was a South Asian guy. I would certainly say these group of people really have high testosterone level. This is a bit stereotypical to say but I think they are indeed. Though you can't really say it fits to all people in those groups of course, the same as not all Asians are 'smooth and slim' (another stereotypical thing in the gay community I would say).

So yes it's funny in a way for me to see these guys as they are really straight, but was having fun with me. The Arab guy I think it was a fetish for him, while the South Asian one was 'curious' so it's usual to try things out.

I would probably see them again, so I won't talk much about them now, maybe in some other posts in details. Just wanna note that straight guys also roam around in the homosexual community in certain ways, and this can make things a bit more complicated. This is quite different from the complication with the previous ones I talk about namely partnered-guys as that was more of a problem in the single gay community.

The complicated part is because the straight guys are not interested in relationship at all. For them it is just about having fun, messing around with guys when their girls can't do the job as good as gays can. It somehow objectify gays as sex toys...but quite frankly if the gays enjoy it too then it's hard to stop them from jumping into the scene again. No complaint there really. I mean which gays don't have the fantasy of being with a straight guy right?

Another thing about them is that they are also particular in the kind of things they wanna do. Some can be so adamant of keeping it 'straight' that they basically 'turn' you into girls when you're having fun with them, and most won't reciprocate and even some areas of their body are off-limit. Yes I had experience in all of these things.

But the guys I saw in the past days were quite different. The Arab guy especially, he was so masculine and manly, and at the same time was quite open to many things, which I appreciate a lot from a straight guy. As for the South Asian guy, he's quite different in that it was his first time with a guy, and it seemed he quite enjoyed it, maybe it's time to question his sexuality lol. And he was the bodybuilder type and that's another topic in which they are known to be lazy as f**k when it comes to have some fun - they just lie there and expect you to do all the work (will blog about this in later date).

And I just want to note that I don't normally go around looking for straight guys specifically. I usually prefer someone who's gay - either discreet or open - to mess around but the ones that I had been with, the straight guys I mean, usually they were the ones that made the first move. Since I'm quite lustful, I rarely deny any opportunity that come in my way.

So yeah, I'm not complaining to be honest, they are straight, it's who they are. And I'm gay, a sexual one at that too.

You know, to be quite honest, I do feel a bit tired of just having fun. I wanna have something more stable, a proper thing. I know my actions certainly doesn't reflect that well.

In relation to that though, I began to reevaluate my sex life in a way. My lewdness does affect me in many many ways - my emotion, spirituality and even my work. I honestly considering to slow it down,'s hard to promise. We'll see how my attempt goes. I still have at least 3 dates with other guys to commit as I promised to meet them already and so it's difficult to say now. But I'll try nonetheless. What really makes it harder is that it's Ramadhan you know, and I do have some guilt feeling over it. I just can't stop it.

Anyhow, I just wanna write that down. Again I'm sorry if my posts are repetitious in nature in term of content wise - me meeting guys etc, but again that's my gay journey. I'm not endorsing it nor do I recommend it, but I do wanna jot it down as a reflection of my life. I do think it's best to not be so promiscuous, there are many dangers with it - HIV and addictions to name a couple.

So I hope you'll walk this journey with me so that I know there'll be people who I can talk about this, and confide into when things go right or wrong. I'm not searching for approval nor disapproval, but just something to share with. Whether it's right or wrong, to all is their opinions.

Until then, stay safe okay :)

p/s: Oh btw, I've made an account, so now you can ask me any questions here: Ask MrGaysian


  1. I used to call them mamat kendu ...a straight guy who can do homo acts .. kehkeh
    Anyway, tak bosan ka uolss cari jantan jer ... better to have one sex partner at one time ..
    No need to be lovey dovey couple .. friend for benefit pon xpa least U can monitor if he is 'clean' or not .. takut laa kalau terlampau ikut nafsu sangat ..someday tersangkut dengan menda alah tue .. u know what i mean .. :p bak kata peribahasa melayu, malang itu tidak berbau.

    1. Haha yeah I know what you meant. Thanks for the advice Nu'man, nak je celibate tapi kadang tu memang termakan ngan kehendak kan.

      Nak cuba lah slow2 utk reduce the amount of guys I see, dan the one yg dah ada ni pun boleh dijadikan regular so yeah I should stop now really. Harapannya one day dapat la cari yang sejati dan monogamous...mahukah dia dgn ku yg buas ini!! GITU! haha! ^^,


Be nice :)