Thursday, July 9, 2015

School Crush

I'm feeling quite excited at the moment because my school crush, Adam, is coming over to stay with me for a couple of days tomorrow.

He's here to do some short training course and is going back home on Sunday, so he thought of coming over and spend his last days here with me.

I was overjoy of course, he came to my place last month for a short stay as he was visiting the town, and that was the first time we actually had a proper conversation and get to know one another.

We were in the same school for two years and were basically in different groups. I was the preppy, nerdy and studious kind while he was the bad boy, troubled kid and I-don't-give-a-damn kind of person.

When we met last month I could see he's still kinda the same person as I used to know him, but to be fair we never really had any interactions at school...except for one occasion.

It was the first day of school, in the school hall and it was the first assembly. Being a preppy person, I would usually be at the front listening attentively to every speeches and every announcements made. But I was late that day and had to settle at the far back of the crowd. I hated it, it's the area where the school bullies usually like to reign, throwing foul comments to everything being said on  stage.

So I sat at the far end, making myself invisible. I was quite a diva at my previous school, and I vowed to tone it down and focused with my study at this one. So I really try not to stand out.

On that fateful day, Adam was sitting next to me. I saw him earlier that day and instantly felt attracted to him. I mean he's super good looking, fit body, and had his bad boy appearance clear from the get go - his expression, gestures and everything were clear that he don't give a fuck about anything.

I didn't realise he was next to me as I was trying to focus on the principal's welcoming speech. I used to take out my note book and jot down every single thing said in assembly, that's how nerdy I am. But I'm in the red zone so I have to make sure I don't do anything that will lead to a social suicide.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, a hand was on my thigh. Electric shock ran through me, I could feel the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. My heart was racing as I traced the hand on my thigh to its owner. It was Adam and he was oblivious to my white pale expression. As my eyes searched for an answer, he took his other hand and held mine. Then he caressed it before bringing it to his lips and kissed it.

I was blown away, literally, in my mind, "What are you doing? Is this a sexual harassment?" I mean his hand was really near to my crotch and I instantly remember that we were in an assembly full of people. I quickly looked around to see if there's someone who noticed what was happening. I never know as I was in shock.

He continued until the end of the assembly, he was rubbing his hand on me, gently touching here and there. I was speechless literally, I didn't say anything, not one word came out of my mouth. I'm not sure whether it's because I was shocked to be 'molested' on my first day of school, or that I was overjoyed as I had a crush on him and he 'noticed' me. Either way that was the only time we had any kind of interactions ever for two years. And let me tell you it was a horrible way to start a school where I longed for another interaction with him which was non-existent.

I told my friend about it that night and they couldn't believe me. I mean, I couldn't fathom what was happening myself. He didn't say a word too, he was just doing things with his hands, and his expression was completely unaware of mine.

After that, I basically kept things to myself and commit to my vow. While I was engrossed in school work, he was always in some kind of trouble with the school principal and teachers. Everyone hated him. I saw him being shouted at one day by the school coach for being 'too sexy' - he was wearing a tank top while everyone was wearing normal T. Obviously I prefer the former for my sore eyes but typical Asian school where you can't be different and daring.

Anyhow, I could go on and on about how I caught a glimpse of him quietly during our school days. So it's only natural I was happy when he asked for a place to stay last month. I guess he got my number and information from my other schoolmates.

When he came last month we chatted and he's actually a very nice person. He asked me to hang around with him while he smoked outside, so we had a nice talk. I usually don't allow my guests to smoke as my housemates and I hate it, but obviously your crush is an exception.

He recalled the days at school where he was in trouble and how he was disgusted by the teachers who hated him without reasons. Some of the teachers he didn't know blatantly said "I hope my kid won't be like you when he grow up" to his face. Clearly his teachers talked and spread things about him. And like he was asked to leave the school during the exam period was quite shocking too, just because he was caught smoking. I think he just wanna be himself, and I like that kind of attitude. It really is a turn on.

He wanted me to go out with him too but I was really busy at the time. He asked me out again this time and I said yes, despite that fact that I have a paper to submit tomorrow. But I can work with that, hopefully it won't get in my way to spend time with him.

Through all, as in after school, I think we have become a bit matured. That usually happened. After school, you just a bit more open and talk to anyone. So even if we're not close at school, at least we have something in common and that's good enough to ask for help and hang out. I mean I know he knows me, I was invisible socially but I was known for my academic achievements. I was usually on the honour list and being on stage on several occasions for some awards. And people know him too as the troublesome boy. So all is well.

We'll see how it goes when he arrives. I plan to ask him about his love life, I know he was in a relationship before. I might as well tell him I'm gay since he had opened up to me about his school experiences. Needles to say he is straight. Though who knows what might happen if I admit I'm gay. I don't plan on hitting on him, but rather would love to make friends with him. The chance is slim of course, he's going back and I'm staying here. God knows if we ever cross each other again afterwards but at least I know I make a connection with him.

Wish me luck :)


Be nice :)